Teapot Photographs

Teapot Photographs

The first time I realised that I was a teapot collector was when I was a young child. My mother had 2 teapots from her childhood and they were in daily use in our household. These are the Geisha and Old Brown teapots in this photograph collection. When I left home in my early twenties, mum let them take them with me and so it started.

“Why teapots?” is a good question to ask. Apart from the obvious “Why not?” answer, I think it has to do with their small sculptural size, their amazing decorations and an earthiness that links you to planet Earth as they are usually made from clay. They exude warmth both figuratively and in reality. And they are lots of fun. I have a large collection of very small teapots which serve no purpose other than to be admired. There are plenty of Chinese teapots but there could have been so many more. Every street and second shop in China appears to be a teashop so I am always bombarded with a “please buy me too” feeling when I look in the windows.