About Bev Dunbar

About Bev Dunbar

Bev Dunbar has been recreating medieval-style images in her studio, The Gilded Image, since 1996.  Inspired by the beauty of gold-leaf and the luminous colours in medieval paintings, Bev is passionate about creating and recreating images from medieval life.

Bev is also an enthusiastic photographer who has travelled extensively to explore medieval-style images in their original settings, such as in Egypt, Italy, Bali, Myanmar and Rajasthan. You can see the world through Bev’s eyes by browsing her photography collections with favourite images from across the world.

But of course there is so much more to see in these collections than just medieval-style paintings. Photograph Collections are general travel photographs and  Reference Paintings are photographs of medieval-style images that will inspire her future artwork.

All about gold

The Gilded Image is Bev’s art studio. And one of Bev’s most satisfying experiences in this studio is the application of gold leaf. Beautiful gold leaf applications were found in medieval paintings right through to modern sheets of beaten gold leaf used by artists all over the world today.

Click here to discover intriguing facts about gold.

Click here to discover intuiguing facts about gold leaf.

About Maths Matters

In another life, Bev Dunbar is also a respected Mathematics Education Consultant and the author of over 30 books for teachers and parents on how to effectively teach primary mathematics.

Bev and her partner John Duffield have created a unique subscription website for primary teachers, Maths Matters Resources, with subscribers from all over the world. This website is packed with 1000s of high quality maths activities, graphics and photographs.

To find out more about Bev’s mathematics endeavours, click here.